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Alpha Duo Kickstarter

Thinking Fantasy? D&D? Pathfinder?

When you think Roleplaying Games, chances are you go straight to Dungeons and Dragons, White Wolf Systems, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, maybe even Fate or Hero. Chances are if you say fantasy TTRPG, people will assume D&D.

But what about Alpha Duo?

Well, okay, playing Alpha Duo Fantasy isn't an option, yet. And I know many, like myself, are only recently hearing about Alpha Duo by Purple Aether Games. But for those of you just now hearing about Alpha Duo (you're welcome), Let me fill you in. 

Alpha Duo (AD) is designed by D&D Bestselling designer, Jacob Kellog of Purple Aether Games. AD is a simple (10 page) system easy enough to be a gateway to TTRPGs for new players and a relaxed feel for veterans. More importantly, AD differs from D&D and many other styles of RPGs in that the focus and incentive system is not based around combat. 

What more? AD allows for quick scaling of combats and other obstacles. The modular mechanics of this system allow for quick changes to known challenges AND allows for quick creation of challenges on the fly.

Alpha Duo currently acts as a seed engine easily adapted for any genre you and your group wish to pursue. Best of all, this is a Pay-what-you-want title, so you can pick it up for free, though I highly suggest spending the suggested $5 for Purple Aether Games (and Jacob Kellog's) hard work and to ensure more expansions and support for the game.


Fine, fine... So the Alpha Duo Fantasy is one such expansion to the AD system. The Kickstarter as of this writing has 28 days to still raise about $5800. Seems like a lot, but the money goes fast. Taxes here. Couple thousand for all that art you love. Editing. Layout...

What Purple Aether Games offers starting at the $10 early-bird level is a pdf copy of the Alpha Duo Fantasy book, and up to FIVE pdf adventures to go with it. These adventures are only available as stretch goals. But just because they are stretch goals, doesn't mean you shouldn't count on them. With adventure writers Nicholas Johnson, Joshua Kim, and Jackey Leung (just to drop a few names), you can expect great sessions backed by exciting stories.

If you don't back this Kickstarter at the early bird special, you'll be stuck spending 2.5x as much for the same rewards, so I recommend jumping on this bandwagon soon. You only have until July 7th. After that, the $10 gets you just the book, and $25 is what you'll need to add on all the stretch goals. So here over and back it today!

And that's the Doctor's orders for today.

New posts and reviews coming soon. Make your requests for advice and product reviews in the comments section below.


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