Many D&D DMs and Pathfinder GMs, and players alike went berserk trying to solve the answer to my 'simple' puzzle last time. It was probably my most successful GM Tip to date.
Well, I know it has been forever and a half since my last posting. I felt it was time to start making new puzzles to drop into your RPGs. (Perhaps one a little more memorable).
Below you will find the puzzle. I will post the solution next week; however, if you need the answer so you can use this puzzle for your weekend game, then e-mail, tweet, or post on my facebook page.
The rules for this puzzle are simple. Follow the logic train. If you use this in a game, make sure you reserve the name spellings. That's your first hint!
Name Persistence
Valyrie L. and James C. are of equal persistence, but Valyrie L. is more than twice the size of James C.
Kevin A. is smaller than Valyrie L, bigger than James C, and has twice the persistence of either.
Given these facts, who is smallest, who is biggest, and who has the greatest persistence if you include Zander I., Martin G., and Nadia J.
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