Bonus Week Day 3: GM Tip: Making Tough Calls

Well, no need to worry, because I have your back!
“So You Think You Can GM?” is a new blog series I am running
(vlogs to come in the future). I will be jumping in to help new and old GMs
alike to bring out the best of each and every game. This is the main reason I
started this blog. Though this series targets Dungeons and Dragons and The
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, the advice will branch over to other systems.
Remember yesterday in Part I when I said that the most
important duty of a GM is to ensure that everyone is having fun? Well, the
players also must take part in this duty. It is the job of everyone in the
group to make sure the game is fun for everyone. But sometimes, well… you or a
player will run into some very bad times. If these “bad time” situations are
not handled appropriately (or at all), you will lose the player (which might be
So how do you know what call to make? Most likely the group
you are playing with is your circle of friends. You don’t want to see any of
them leave the group. So how do you know what you should do? Well, the simple
answer is: place your friends above the game. Sadly, nothing is ever really
simple. So let’s break it down to some of the specific calls you will be faced
with and try to figure out how to fix them.
#1- Disruptive
Party Members (Players)
Solution: You
first need to see if it is just a phase or the actual person. Try having
separate campaigns in the works (if you need to share the load of GM duties, do
it). Tell your group that you will be having a relaxed, anything goes, silly
game. Whatever kind of annoying antics or rule boundary-testing they wish to do
will be allowed. And follow through with that. Let them get some of it out of
their system. You will also have your more serious campaign. Stress to them the
importance both in and out of game that they work as a unified team. If you
have to restrict alignments, do so, but still try to let them play the
characters they envision. You can have them move their old characters to the
silly game. If it really is a “in character” issue that they just wanted to get
out of their system, the silly game should cover that. If it is the player, try
talking to them to find the root of the issue. Tell them, “in character” is
never an excuse to continually disrupt multiple games. If reasoning does not
work, well… we will cover that in Last
#2- Absentee
Problem: Someone
tends to go missing often. This is probably going to be the easiest thing to

Solution: The
easier of the two types of absentee members to solve is the real life issues.
As a GM and a member of the group, you need to understand that things will come
up. For occasional absences, you can run the players as NPCs to the best of
your ability; however, it is continual issues, then just use the “leap method”.
By leap method, I mean, you continue like everything is normal whether the AbM
is present or not. You don’t need to worry about what that character was doing
while they were away or anything. Just continue on and ignore the specifics. Alternatively,
some games (Like the Kingmaker Adventure Path for The Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game) will have built in story-ties that you can use. Maybe the person was
guarding the camp or town, or crafting away at home. This will give you the in-story
reasons if you feel like you need one. If you are writing adventures for your
group and know that you have some members that can’t make each meeting, try to
consider a story option like that. If the AbM has a regular schedule of when
they cannot attend, you may also consider having different campaigns running at
the same time. That way, they do not miss out on the story, the party doesn’t
feel down a man, and you can keep games running without hiccups or trying to
explain what was missed. If the AbM is able to make it to the game they are not
it, allow them to either join in as a random person or help to control the
monsters in the battles.
The second type of AbMs (those not having fun) needs a
little more tact. First thing is first, you need to talk to the player.
Sometimes, the case may be that they like to do other stuff and have limited
free time that they split between activities. Respect that decision and let
them know they are always welcome. For long campaigns, you may wish to work out
a schedule with the AbM and rotate out games (this seems like a common tactic,
hint hint). Also, find out what they like and dislike about the game. By making
sure they are having fun, the AbM might turn into just an “M”.
In both respects, AbMs need and are looking for some
escapism from their daily lives just as much as you are. Try to work with them
and be understanding. They will certainly be there for the important stuff if
they can. So just focus on the good times when you do have them.
#3- Hostile Group
Solution: You
need to stop the game (though the hostility itself will have done this for
you). The sooner you can get things calmed down, the better. Whether you are in
private or in public, you need to first separate those involved and get them
away from anything they can injure themselves or each other with. Do not be
afraid to ask or call for help in getting the hostile members to separate. Once
you have the offender(s) separated, you need to get to the root of the problem.
Try to talk to everyone involved. If anyone start getting
heated, diffuse the situation before it escalates again. You need to keep
everyone as calm as you can. If something is as simple as someone is just
having a bad day, then you can ask them whether they would like to take some
time to cool off and maybe come back next session. People have bad days. Accept
it, and let them sort things out.
Offer them help if you can. Let them take a
break and don’t penalize them in or out of game for it. If they are a
reasonable person, they will get back to normal and might apologize. I say
might because some people just don’t do apologies. I admit that it annoys me,
but I just let it go.
Now, sometimes there are just people that will always clash.
If talks, breaks, and separation do not work, you may have to follow the Last Resort method.
Last Resort - When
all else fails
Sometimes no amount of talking and trying to be civil will
work. When this happens between friends and acquaintances, it can be tough.
Sometimes all you need is a break, sometimes a change of scenery or games will
work, and sometimes, nothing works.
If you have exhausted all measures of sorting the situation,
then it might be best to have someone leave. I normally don’t like to say it,
but it is true. If the problem is with a single person and the rest of the group
is not enjoying their sessions because of that person, you need to talk to the
troubling player one last time (after you have confirmed with the rest of the
group on your decision). If they cannot agree to change on this last attempt,
tell them that until they can amend their behavior, they are not welcome to the
sessions. It is harsh, I know. But remember, you and everyone in the group has
a right to have fun. Exercise that right. Enforce it.
If you find that the group is accepting of the troubled
player (or the entire group is full of troublemakers), then maybe it is time
that you pick up and leave. Find a new group. Find something new to do. Take an
extended break. Sometimes leaving yourself is that best option for you.
Personally, I have left two long running groups before. One
group (the worse of the two) I played with for four years. I thought they were
the only group I had to play in regularly, so I tried to put up with it. There
was always the “I am god of this world so if I want something to happen, it
happens” and the “look at all the awesome stuff I can make since I control the
rules”, and then there is the well… let’s just say that having your mind in the
gutter made you look like a saint compared to this dirty mind. The last straw
was when the game store owner asked me one day if I could let a nine year-old
kid join our game so he could learn to play. I said yes because I enjoy that
and because thankfully it was my week to run a game.
I sat the group down and explained to them that we were
asked by the store owner to teach this kid to play D&D. Everyone said they
were okay with it, so we started making characters. The “I am god player”
wanted to exercise that will as a player. The “awesome stuff player” wouldn’t
stop asking me about letting him play his god so he can show him how awesome it
is. The Mr. dirty mind… After ten minutes of trying to block every mention he
had of something dirty and way beyond anything that a civilized person should
hear, especially a nine-year old whose mother was sitting at the table, I had
enough. I called the game. I told them this session was over and I was not
going to put up with their… >.> stuff. Then I took the kid and his mother
aside, apologized and instead sat down to discuss the game and show them how
battles work and invited them to come back next week for a solo game. He
brought friends and soon they were running and playing games without my help.
Wrapping up
That was a bit longer than I expected today. So I’ll keep this
wrap up short. When it comes to solving problems, you will see that sometimes
having more than one campaign can solve some of your issues. Other times, you
may have to ask someone to leave, or leave yourself. HOWEVER, most of the time, you need to pause the game and talk
openly and plainly with your group. Communication is your best and should be
your first option. Learn to diffuse situations and correct problems before they
get out of hand.
If you have a tough call and do not know how to solve it,
email me. I’ll do my best to help you and your group out. More GM Tips to come! If you have specific
questions, just send me an email. I can’t prescribe exactly what your game or
group needs, unless you reach out to me. Until next time!
(Click here for Part III)
(Click here for Part III)
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